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Resident handbook

Service Desk



Your fob is your everyday key for accessing Graduate House. It grants you entry to all entrances/exits, common areas, laundry room, TV room, suite, and bedroom. It is programmed exclusively for you and does not open your suitemates’ bedrooms, nor can theirs open yours. Replacing the fob costs $25.00. 


Your mailbox key is a metal key, which opens your individual mailbox in the Graduate House main lobby. If you lose or break your key, there’s a $50.00 replacement charge, and a $50.00 charge if you do not return your mailbox key when you move out. 


If you are locked out of your suite/bedroom, you can come to the Service Desk to receive a temporary fob. The RA on call can also assist you with a lockout when the desk is closed between the hours of midnight to 9am. Lockouts between midnight and 9am are directed to Campus Safety Special Constable Service. 

Bicycle Rooms

Graduate House has indoor bicycle parking spaces available for securing your bike. Please fill out a Bicycle Registration Form and return it to the Graduate House Office. This form is available on the Graduate House website. 

Once a spot is assigned to you, a $5.00 monthly fee will be added to your Occupancy Fees on ACORN. If you are not successful in obtaining a spot in Graduate House’s bike room (due to high demand), you are welcome to use the bike racks located at the front and rear entrances to the building. However, please be advised that there is a very high rate of bike theft throughout downtown Toronto. 


Mail is sorted and distributed everyday during office hours. Mail that requires a signature and/or does not fit into your mailbox will be kept in the Graduate House Office and an email notice will be sent to you. Please pick up your parcel after 3:00pm. We do not accept packages that contain alcohol or cannabis.  

Also, please make sure that your name, suite, and room number are clearly indicated in your mailing address. All incoming mail should have your address in the following format: 

Room # (e.g 216A) – 60 Harbord St Toronto, ON
M5S 3L1

Please note that the Service Desk will not accept or sign for LCBO packages or cannabis deliveries. Residents are encouraged to avoid selecting home shipping for these items if they order online.

LCBO packages are distinctly labeled, and both ID and a signature are required for delivery. If such a delivery arrives at Graduate House, the Service Desk staff will not sign for it. The delivery person may contact the recipient using the phone number provided at the time of the order, allowing the resident to come down and collect the package personally.

Graduate House staff will not disclose any resident’s phone number to delivery personnel. If the delivery person opts not to contact the resident, or if the resident is unavailable at the time of delivery, the package will be returned to the sender. The resident will then need to arrange for pickup independently.


Once you move in, all communication will be sent to your official UofT email. It is your responsibility to regularly check this email address and, when requested, to respond in a timely fashion to messages from Graduate House, either from the Service Desk staff or the Residence Life team. 

If your email uses a departmental email ( versus the mail email ( you have the ability to change your preferred email in ACORN. 

There are also bulletin boards in both elevators as well as on each floor, and in other key locations around the building where notices are posted. 

Service Desk Resources

Graduate House offers a number of resources and services that residents and guests may access at the Service Desk. These resources include:  

Printing/Scanning Services

The Graduate House Service Desk offers printing and scanning services to residents. We ask residents to email us the documents at  

Printing services cost $0.15/per page for black and white. Colour printing costs $1.00/per page. For scanning, we charge a standard of $0.15 per page. 

Holding Mail

Graduate House is unable to forward your mail to your new address or hold mail for you once you have moved out. Please be sure to coordinate your address change with all of your important contacts. 

Leaving Graduate House

To facilitate your move-out, the Graduate House Office can provide you with a moving cart during regular office hours. You must leave a piece of identification with the office to borrow one of these carts. We do ask that you return the carts promptly once you are done since other residents may also need them.  

If you are leaving Graduate House during office hours, simply hand in all of your keys by 3:00 p.m. to a member of the office staff. We ask that you put your collection of keys in a sealed envelope clearly indicating your full name, suite and room number on it.  

Unfortunately, Graduate House is unable to refund any extra money left on your laundry card, so we encourage you to try to use up your balance.  

If you are leaving outside of office hours, including over the weekend, please put your keys/cards in an envelope with your full name and your room number written on it and drop them in the drop box in the Graduate House lobby. Please make sure that you close your bedroom door behind you when you leave.