Summer Residence applications are now open! Learn more and apply.


Recruitment Spaces

Graduate House front

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Recruitment Spaces

Approximately forty percent of Graduate House is available each year to be awarded to students at the discretion of the various graduate departments, centres, institutes, and faculties.

Twenty percent of Graduate House is allocated at the discretion of the six second-entry professional faculties: law, medicine, dentistry, education, pharmacy, and nursing.

How the Recruitment Space Process Works


Academic departments, centres, institutes, and faculties notify Graduate House of their selected Recruitment Space recipients (deadline of late May for most departments). Departmental staff with questions about the Recruitment Space process should contact the Graduate House Office by e-mailing 


Academic departments, as part of their admissions process, notify recruitment space recipients of the requirement and deadline to submit an online application to Graduate House, including payment of the Application Deposit ($350).


Provided recruitment recipients submit their online application by their appointed deadline, Graduate House extends a formal offer of residence.


Student accepts the offer of residence by completing the confirmation steps of the online application and paying the Confirmation Deposit ($1650) by the offer acceptance deadline.


Any unused/unconfirmed recruitment spaces will revert back to Graduate House to be offered to our direct applicants.

Upcoming Applications

Fall 2025 – Winter 2026

For residence from September 1, 2025 to August 23, 2026

Applicants who meet Graduate House’s eligibility requirements and submit the required application along with the required application deposit will be considered on a first come first serve basis according to the date and time that their $350 application fee was received. Successful applicants will be contacted via e-mail. Applicants will be asked to log back into the Application Portal to complete the remaining steps in the Application and pay the Confirmation Deposit once an offer of residence is issued. To minimize high turnover which would be disruptive to Graduate House’s academically-focused community environment, residents must commit to a 2-month minimum stay at Graduate House during the Fall-Winter.

Please note, all communications will be sent to a valid University of Toronto e-mail address if one exists.
Otherwise, communications will be sent to the e-mail address used to create and submit the residence application.

  • Must meet eligibility requirements
  • $350 application fee
  • First come first serve basis
  • 2-month minimum stay at Graduate House during the Fall-Winter

summer 2025

For residence from May 1, 2025 to August 23, 2025

Applicants who meet Graduate House’s eligibility requirements and submit the required application along with the required application deposit will be considered on a first come first serve basis according to the date and time that their $100 application fee was received. Successful applicants will be contacted via e-mail. Applicants will be asked to log back into the Application Portal to complete the remaining steps in the Application and pay the Confirmation Deposit once an offer of residence is issued. To minimize high summer turnover which would be disruptive to Graduate House’s academically-focused community environment, summer residents must commit to a 6 week minimum stay period  at Graduate House.

Please note, all communications will be sent to a valid University of Toronto e-mail address if one exists. Otherwise, communications will be sent to the e-mail address used to create and submit the residence application.

  • Must meet eligibility requirements
  • $100 application fee
  • First come first serve basis
  • Commit to a 6 week minimum stay period

Deadline and Conditions

Recruitment offers to Graduate House are for a period of one year (from September 1, 2025 until August 23, 2026) though students have the option of reapplying directly to Graduate House for subsequent years.

Please note that while receiving a recruitment space at Graduate House guarantees you a place in the residence for the upcoming academic year, it does not guarantee you a particular type of room (i.e. premium, single, or double). Your allocations will be based on availability and compatibility, based on the preferences and profile information you provide in the online application process.

If you are interested in a Recruitment Space at Graduate House for 2025-2026, please contact your department, centre, institute, or faculty directly to express your interest.

single room

Find More information

Room Types, Fees
& Contracts





Join Us!

Living in Graduate House is conveniently located, safe and fun too! Graduate and second-entry students from many faculties at UofT call this place home.