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Community Standards

Our Community Standards are standards that we live by and are directly linked to our values

Our Values






Community Standards

Residents shall not tamper with fire safety equipment such as hoses, extinguishers or alarms, or in and other way jeopardize the safety of fellow community members. This includes the unauthorized disconnection, dismantling or covering of smoke detectors. Corridors, stairwells and suite halls must be kept clear of obstructions, and residents must leave the building in the event of a fire alarm.

The laws of the Province of Ontario regarding alcoholic beverages apply to the University. Under the Narcotics Control Act of Canada, possession of, use of and tracking illegal drugs is prohibited. Consumption of alcohol within Graduate House is limited to the Residents own suite, unless the Resident is participating in a University licensed event held in the Common Room. Cultivation of cannabis and brewing alcohol is prohibited.

Residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are demonstrating symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to notify the Graduate House team through completing the COVID-19 Illness Self-Report Form.

It is important that we respect our community and its members by providing a space that is quiet and free of excessive noise which includes directly outside the building on Graduate House property. Except for official Graduate House or Graduate House Council events, designated quite hours are:

  • Sun – Thurs: 11:00am – 8:00am
  • Fri – Sat: 12:30am* – 8:00am

*12:30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings respectively

Animals are not permitted in Graduate House except for approved service animals and fish, which must be maintained in a safe and hygienic manner. Owning a fish and its responsibilities should be discussed in advance in your Suitemate Agreement.

Bicycles should be stored in the bicycle storage rooms provided, or locked and stored outdoors. To respect the building, and the space of it’s community members, we do not allow bicycles to be stored in suites or bedrooms at Graduate House.

The University of Toronto is a smoke-free campus. We do not allow smoking anywhere in or near our building including the courtyard. This includes smoking of any substance, vaporizing, and e-cigarettes. Residents who choose to smoke must do so off campus property.

While guests are welcomed in our community, it is important to recognize that safety, security, and privacy are important to us.

When you are inviting a guest to our community, let your suitemates know that you will be hosting. If your guest is staying overnight, we ask that they do not stay more than three nights consecutively. Our community members should not have overnight guests more than nine nights a month.

Your guests are visiting our community, and are held to the same standard as the community members. As their host, you will be responsible for your guest’s behaviour.

For the safety of the community and its members, loaning and/or duplicating your keys/fobs is not allowed. Doing so puts our community and your safety at risk

Residents are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and are equally responsible with their suitemates for keeping the common areas. particularly the shared kitchens and bathrooms, clean and tidy in accordance with Graduate House standards. Vacuum cleaners are available in each suite. The cost of purchasing cleaning supplies should be shared equally among suite residents.

Residents who do not maintain their rooms/suites in accordance with Graduate House standards may be billed the costs of cleaning charges to bring suites up to an acceptable level of cleanliness.

For the safety of our residents, possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives (including fireworks) or other dangerous weapons are not permitted in Graduate House.

As safety is paramount, no unauthorized entry into another’s room or into any restricted are of the building is permitted.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Graduate House is a place of collegial and co-operative interaction. Residents must respect the rights of others by conducting themselves in a courteous and considerate manner, The following kinds of behaviour are examples of those considered to be unacceptable:

  • Profanity, insulting, abusive language to a Resident, a Resident’s guest, or any Graduate House staff member;
  • Any act of violence, whether physical or otherwise, to a Resident, a Resident’s guest or any Graduate House staff;
  • Creating a hostile environment and/or bullying, regardless of the medium;
  • Dropping or throwing objects, such as bottles or food, from, at or within Graduate House;
  • Vandalism or negligent damage to, or removal of Graduate House or a resident’s property from or within its assigned location;
  • Sexist, racist, or homophobic behaviour which may promote or produce an atmosphere of hostility or intolerance in Graduate House. Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, colour, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or ability will not be tolerated.