Safety & Security
Residence Advisor On Call
Residence Advisors (RAs) are graduate students who serve as role models, peer advisors, resources, and friends to students. As student staff members, RAs play a unique role in guiding, encouraging, directing, and helping other students. They are chosen for their leadership and community-building skills and are extensively trained before the beginning of each academic year.
Every student who lives in Graduate House has an RA who lives nearby. RAs are on-call weeknights from 5pm – 9am and 24hrs on weekends. Residents can reach the RA on call line at (416) 800-6068.
Campus Community Police
Campus Community Police are Special Constables that help keep the University of Toronto safe. The police are often spotted on campus in clearly marked patrol cars or bicycles, and they wear special uniforms. For an emergency, call Campus Community Police at (416) 978-2222 or non-emergency (416) 978-2323.
Medical Emergencies
If you experience, or you’re aware of a medical emergency in Graduate House, call 911 immediately. We also ask that you inform your Residence Advisor or call the RA on call so they can assist you and emergency staff when the arrive.
Fire Safety
Each suite is equipped with a smoke detector. These smoke detectors are local to the suite only . They will not set off the building-wide fire alarm. These smoke detectors are highly sensitive and can be set off quite easily.
Do not disconnect or tamper with the alarm it could save your life and the lives of others.
If the smoke detector in you suite is activated by excess smoke caused from a known, controllable source like some burned food, keep your suite door closed to prevent setting off the building-wide fire alarm.
Make sure that the fan above the stove (as well as in the bathroom) is on and that the nearest windows are open in order to improve air circulation. Always use the fan above the stove whenever you cook, whether you are using the stovetop, oven or the microwave oven.
In addition to a local smoke detector, an alarm bell is located in your suite which is connected to the building-wide fire alarm system. When it sounds, you must exit the building immediately using the stairs (the elevators automatically shut down and return to ground level when the alarm is activated).
If you have a mobility impairment and cannot exit the building by stairs, you should contact Campus Police at (416) 978-2222, advise that the building fire alarm is sounding and that you are mobility impaired. Campus Police with ask you for your exact location in the building, so be prepared to provide this information.
If you encounter a fire anywhere in Graduate House, go to the nearest fire alarm pull station (red, wall-mounted station) and pull on the lever. This will activate the Residence Alarm System and dispatch the Toronto Fire Department.
Community Safety Office
The Community Safety Office (CSO) provides assisstance to members of the University of Toronto commiunity that are dealing with personal and/or workplace issues that impact their personal safety, such as:
The CSO can provide help if:
- You are experiencing stalking or harassment;
- You are being bullied, intimidated or threatened;
- You are in a controlling or abusive relationship;
- You are living with family violence;
- You have been sexually assaulted;
- You are having thoughts of suicide;
- You are concerned that someone you know is considering suicide;
- You have another safety concern you wish to discuss
You can expect the following from the Community Safety Office:
- Confidentiality
- A safe and supportive environment
- A respectful and non-judgmental approach to you concerns
- Timely support
- Safety planning
- Advocacy and referral
- Documentation
- Follow up support
Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre
The University of Toronto’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre (the Centre) was established in 2017 as part of the University’s Action Plan on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence. It has locations on all three campuses and provides support to members of the University community who have been affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment.
What is the role of the Centre?
- The Centre assists students, staff and faculty members in understanding the University’s Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.
- The Centre facilitates access to support, services and accommodations for students, staff and faculty members who have experienced sexual violence.
- The Centre provides training and education on preventing and responding to sexual violence.
Service Provided:
- Confidential, transparent, non-judgmental, client-centred services
- Coordination and navigation of University supports, services and accommodations
- Support in making and disclosure
- Explanation and assistance with reporting
- Referrals to on- and off-campus services
- Self-care resources